Organic Lawn Care
Will Result In A
Greener Cleaner Lawn

With increased interest now being paid to our environment, many people are looking towards organic lawn care to eliminate weeds and keep a lush green lawn.

Being familiar with how the eco-system functions can provide a significantly better perspective of exactly how organic lawncare can accomplish precisely the same outcome without resorting to man-made materials.

With as much as 18 % or more of city and county landfills originating from garden waste.

Home owners are squandering natural fertilizer and money every single time they cut and rake their garden and take it to the landfill.

By making use of mulching mower blades, grass cuttings are chewed up and can be left on the lawn where they will mulch into food for the grass. This process in lawn care also cuts down on the volume of waste materials in landfill sites. In the event that grass cuttings are too long to leave on the lawn, they can be raked up and used for fertilizer in the back garden.

Raking by hand will assist in removing any excessive thatch underneath the grass, making it possible for water to reach the roots.

Insect infestation can also be detrimental to the roots of grass. There are a variety of natural products that will encourage bugs to relocate to greener pastures while providing the good insects to hang around a while and pollinate plants.

Even though a greener lawn can undoubtedly make a house look more desirable, it is worth considering that on average a standard gas lawn mower produces between 10 and 12 times the amount of hydrocarbon every hour, that's more than the everyday automobile.

Using a manual powered reel mower can reduce pollution, as will hand trimming around obstacles.

Undesirable weeds can be controlled with organic products. Small areas can be treated with white vinegar whilst for larger areas corn gluten can demonstrate substantial reductions of weeds in under a week.

And That's Not All...

Chemical fertilizers and pesticides can frequently land up in the water supply, being washed down through the soil,while the use of natural products are not going to cause health problems for anyone using the water.

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Organic Lawn Care

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