Perennial flowers grow and blossom during the course of spring and summertime, after which they die back and return the following spring from their root-stock, as opposed to seeding themselves like an an annual. When taken care of properly they can sometimes last a decade or more in a garden.
It is quite common for a plant that is regarded as a perennial in its native habitat, to be treated as an annual in climates where there are harsh winters. This can be carried out by sowing seeds, cuttings or by division.
Perennial flowers grown in suitable climates are strong plants that return annually without the need for you to replant or do any additional work. Once their growing season has finished the flowers and stems die off, and many look as though they have died.
However, when it’s time for them to bloom again they will spring back into life, with an entirely new display of flowers which shoot up where the old ones were.
Selecting Perennial Flowers at times can be a challenging process. The objective ought to be to keep them flowering for as long as possible during the course of the year.
For the best results do a little home work on the different types of flowers, their height, spread and when they flower. Then create a simple chart and timeline of flowering. If you get it right, you will have a completely different type of flower blooming during the year.
Using mulch when planting perennials will help to reduce weeds and increase water retention saving you work. Fertilizer will also help growth but should be used sparingly.
You will soon discover that there are numerous advantages to growing perennial flowers, although quite a few perennial plants will only do well if they are dug up every couple of years to divide the root system. Using this method, the original plant will end up as several plants that can be replanted.
By planting Perennial Flowers in your garden you will make it a truly vibrant place, and give you
Ageless Beauty is a carefree garden favorite that blossoms for several months every summer. Dayliles are some of the most popular perennial flowers. Home gardeners absolutely adore them because they bloom day in day out during summer. They can be found in a multitude of colors and forms, and are an easy task to grow.
Their stunning deep pink and cream color combination, prominent eyezone and edging make this variety extra special. Large 5 - 6 inch flowers are lightly fragrant. Blooms during early summer and then reblooms later in the season. Grows 65 cm tall. Very hardy.
The Begonia Red Glory is one of the first Begonias to have a wonderful fragrance. Flowers are 8 to 10 cm large, fully double, producing many flowers per bulb.
Growing to a height 8 - 10 inches they should be planted 10 - 14 inches apart, except in pots, where they can be planted closer.
This Begonia is not frost hardy, blooming from early summer to frost. It is excellent for borders, pots and containers requiring full shade to partial sun fro best results.
Hyssop Summer Love is a incredible new perennial that you will absolutely adore once you see its clustered flowers. From summer through fall, there is a profusion of reddish-purple flower clusters displayed above the foliage on strong spikes.
It is a drought tolerant perennial that grows best in well drained soil and is a wonderful plant for a hummingbird garden. Deer steer clear of this plant because of its lovely, aromatic foliage.
This must be one of the most straightforward and rewarding perennials to grow. It is invaluable for introducing a spot of color to the garden late in the season when a great many other plants are finished flowering. Its foliage smells distinctly like black licorice when crushed, thus its common name, Anise Hyssop. Should you wish to restrict the height of this tall perennial, you can pinch back its blue-green foliage in spring before the flower buds are formed.
The Coreopsis ‘Moonbeam’ is easily the most popular perennial in its family. With its clusters of light yellow, daisy-like blooms and its green airy fernlike foliage, ‘Moonbeam’ Coreopsis blooms from June through October and is mildew resistant. ‘Moonbeam’ stands at 24” in height and has a plant spread of 18-24” and prefers full sun.
Although it is drought-tolerant and robust it does require well drained soil. It should be cut back early in late summer to prolong the bloom period. Coreopsis ‘Moonbeam’ looks great with Coreopsis ‘Sweet Dreams’, and with any type of grass, in borders or mass plantings in sunny gardens. This is one perennial no garden should be without it.
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